Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
Sending SOS from this tiny box
- Подпись автора
so you be Thor and I'll be Odin,
you rodent, I'm omnipotent
Sintior: gears and wonders |
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so you be Thor and I'll be Odin,
you rodent, I'm omnipotent
so you be Thor and I'll be Odin,
you rodent, I'm omnipotent
Отредактировано Cupid (20-08-2020 14:07:42)
[ C O O L V I B R A T I O N S]
Отредактировано Cupid (23-08-2020 21:04:30)
Отредактировано Edward Sargent (02-09-2020 17:44:42)
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